Parent and kids washing hands in sink with foamy soap

How to Get Kids Hand-Washing: 5 Super Tips!

If you're struggling to get your children to wash their hands regularly, we've got you covered. Here are our top five tips to make handwashing more fun and effective for your little ones:

1. LEAD BY EXAMPLE:  Children learn from what they see, so show them how to wash their hands properly and let them know why it is important. Be sure to show them proper technique and wash for a full 20 seconds.  Check here for more detailed hand washing guidelines.   

2. REMIND THEM OFTEN:  Children often need reminders, particularly before meal times. Make hand washing a part of their daily routine.

3. PRAISE GOOD BEHAVIOUR:  When your children wash their hands properly or remember to do so without being prompted, praise them and let them know that they are doing a great job.

4. MAKE IT FUN: Hand washing doesn't have to be dull! Try singing a song that lasts 20 seconds such as “Frère Jacques (Brother John)”, or the “ABC” song.  Foaming soap with fun scents can also make the experience more enjoyable. 

5. TAME THE TAP: We all need to do our part in conserving water. Encourage your child to turn off the tap while washing their hands to help save water.

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